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  • Writer's pictureJasmin Kotek

"Queens Don't Quit"

Queens don't inside look at one way I embody being #MissAmericaFit in my everyday life.

To me, being #MissAmericaFit means embodying a holistic, healthy lifestyle and being “fit” in all dimensions of health. It also means inspiring those around me to be their best, most “fit” version of themselves. One of my most loved outlets for doing this has been coaching.

Being a dance/cheer coach of 8 years, I took on the role of coaching my middle school girls in softball this spring. You’re probably thinking, “Jasmin, do you even know how to play softball?” and well...the answer is no, but I’m learning!

To me, coaching isn’t initially about knowing the sport because that part can be learned. But it’s a love for the individuals and the team, inspiring them to be the BEST version of themselves both on and off the floor/field. Most importantly, giving them the same experience that shaped me. I owe it to dance team for shaping me into the woman I am today. My coaches taught me to work a little harder, stand a little taller, and always show up for myself and for my team. For these experiences, the great, the hard, and everything in between, I am forever grateful.

Now let me paint you a picture of a beautiful moment at practice this week. One of my athletes would hustle to each base, and when making that small accomplishment of getting to the said base, she would yell “slay” (remember, these are really awesome middle schoolers, slay is a cool term!). Later this athlete started to say “Queen” and jokingly stated, “I’m quitting”, this turned into “Queens don’t quit”, which is absolutely RIGHT!

Queens don’t quit, they work their bottoms, or maybe I should say crowns off, to achieve all the goals they have! Small things like this translate far beyond playing a sport - instilling a work ethic & mindset that will be remembered forever. This is my "why" of being a coach and one little fraction of how I embody being #MissAmericaFit.

So if I can leave you with anything today, Queen, don’t quit! Work hard to achieve all your goals because you can indeed do anything you set your mind to.

As always, with love,

Coach Jas

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